This application allows you to calculate the advance tax that individuals as well as companies (corporates) need to pay for the profit they make in their business. The calculation is based on the tax rates prescribed by the income tax department in India.
This application also helps in giving suggestion for the amounts to be paid as advance tax.
As the name suggests, advance tax refers to paying a part of your taxes before the end of the financial year. Also called 'pay-as-you-earn' scheme, advance tax is the income tax payable if your tax liability is more than Rs. 10,000 in a financial year.
Corporate Tax – This is the tax that companies pay on the profits they make from their businesses. Here again, a specific rate of tax for corporates has been prescribed by the income tax laws of India
The advance tax is to be paid on the following dates:
On or before 15 June, On or before 15 September, On or before 15 December, On or before 15 March.
This application is only to enable public to have a quick and an easy access to Advance tax calculation and instalment suggestions.